Privacy statement

The Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management is responsible for the processing of personal data as outlined in this privacy statement. The RDW carries out this task on behalf of the ministry.

Personal data that we process

We process your personal data for toll collection purposes, as you provide these details to us. Below is an overview of the personal data we process:

  • initial(s) and last name
  • email address
  • phone number (if provided)

The purpose and the legal basis of our personal data processing

We process your personal data in order to be able to contact you by telephone, e-mail or regular mail if this is necessary to provide our services.

How long do we keep personal data

We do not store your personal data longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected. We store this personal data for a maximum of 1 week after we have answered your question.

Sharing personal data with third parties

We do not share personal data with third parties, except when necessary to comply with a legal obligation.

Cookies and Google Analytics

We use cookies on our website. These are small, simple text files placed on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone when you visit our website. When you return to the website with the same device, we recognize you. We do not share the cookies with other parties.

We use 2 types of cookies:

  1. Necessary cookies:
    Some cookies are necessary to improve the website's functionality. For example, you do not need to repeatedly provide certain information, such as your username and preference settings.
  2. Cookies for website improvement:
    We use tracking and statistical cookies on the website to make it better and more user-friendly. Such a cookie tracks which pages you viewed in which order. With the analysis of your usage, we improve the website.

You can block the placement of cookies, which you can manage through your web browser's privacy settings. This may affect the website's functionality. More information can be found on  the website about safe internet use.

Google Analytics

To improve our website, we use Google Analytics. We have set this up in accordance with privacy laws. Therefore, no prior consent from the user is required. We have a so-called data processing agreement with Google. Additionally, Google Analytics is configured to anonymize IP addresses, making them untraceable to a specific person or user.


A tracking pixel is a pixel that can record how someone uses a website (browsing behavior). We use tracking pixels only for the proper functioning of our website, such as checking if you have filled in and submitted the requested data. We do not use tracking pixels to share website visitors' browsing behavior with other parties.

Adjust, view, or delete personal data

You have the right to adjust, view, or delete your personal data. Additionally, you have the right to withdraw any consent for data processing or object to the processing of your personal data by our organization.

Adjust personal data

If your personal data is incorrect, incomplete, or irrelevant, you can ask us to adjust or supplement your personal data free of charge. A representative or legal guardian (for individuals under 16 years old) can also request this.

Send your letter to:
Attn: Request regarding personal data GDPR
P.O. Box 304
9640 AH Veendam

Include a copy of a valid identification. It is advisable to obscure the photo and BSN. If someone has been authorized, include the authorization.

We will inform you within 4 weeks about the execution of your request.

View personal data

If you want to make a GDPR access request, you can ask us by mail to view your personal data free of charge. A representative or legal guardian (for individuals under 16 years old) can also request this.

Send your letter to:
Attn: Request regarding personal data GDPR
P.O. Box 304
9640 AH Veendam

Include a copy of a valid identification. It is advisable to obscure the photo and BSN. If someone has been authorized, include the authorization.

We will inform you within 4 weeks about the execution of your request. This applies to both postal and online requests.

Delete personal data

If you want data to be deleted, please contact us. We will inform you about what is and is not possible.

How we secure personal data

We take the protection of your data seriously and implement appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure, and unauthorized alteration. If you believe that your data is not properly secured or if there are indications of abuse, please contact us via the contact form.

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