Map and route

The A24 connects the A15 near Rozenburg with the A20 near Vlaardingen. This toll road allows you to reach your destination faster than before the road was built. This is because the distance and travel time are now shorter. For example, the route from Vlaardingen to Rozenburg.

This map shows the location of the A24/Blankenburg connection that connects the A15 at Rozenburg and the A20 at Vlaardingen.

Route from Vlaardingen to Rozenburg, before the A24 existed

Distance: approximately 20 kilometers.
Travel time: approximately 19 minutes (without traffic jam).

Route from Vlaardingen to Rozenburg via the A24

Distance: approximately 12 kilometers.
Travel time: approximately 12 minutes.

Time Savings

In this example, the time savings are approximately 7 minutes each time you take the new route.

Signs Along the Route

Are you driving on the A20 or A15 towards the A24? And do you choose the toll road afterward? If so, you will encounter these signs about e-TOL.

Toll Road Announcement

After this sign, you can choose the toll road or a toll-free route, such as the Benelux Tunnel (A4) or the Van Brienenoord Bridge (A16).

On this sign are the texts 'A24 TOL,' 'Maut,' and 'Toll,' two arrows pointing left and upwards, the e-TOL logo, and an image of a camera.

Toll Rates

Before the exit to the A24, a sign displays the toll rates.

On this sign are: an arrow indicating a turn, the name of the road (A24), symbols of various vehicles with the corresponding toll fees, and the e-TOL logo.

Camera Announcement

Cameras are mounted above the toll road. They take photos of your license plate. This sign informs you about this.

On this sign are: the e-TOL logo, an image of a camera, and ''

Pay Online

This is the last sign, located at the end of the toll road. It reminds you to pay the toll online yourself (within 72 hours/3 days).

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